On the back of Am I Blue or Not?, flooble brings you a somwhat
more interesting (and - hopefully - less stupid) page: ColorCombos.
This is your chance to display your taste in colors (or if you have none, to benefit from someone
else's). The page lets you pick and rate color combinations. Match up two colors that you thing would
go well together, and see how they look. Rate the "combo" and then come back to see what others
thoght of it.
Look at the top combinations, as well as the bottom ones. See what people vote for most. If you have
a web page, you can put your favorite combo up on it for your visitors to rate how well coordinated
it is.
(Gimme A Random Combo!)
Color combinations with #121D30 |
with #F13A35
(rated 5.6666666666667,
6 votes)