Image. It was everything in the 80's. But even though the Decade of Decadence is
long gone, being cool is very important to this day. To be considered "cool", you
have to invest huge amount of time into saying and doing all the right things at
all the right times.
As you can see, gaining that elusive "coolness" can be time consuming and difficult.
Luckily, flooble is proud to bring you a unique and easy way to become much cooler
in just a few seconds. We will even allow give you some code that you can put on your page
to prove it. Best of all, this great service is absolutely free!
But don't just take our word for it! Listen to our satisfied users:
"After using 'Become Cooler...', I noticed that I was being
beat up in school much less, and girls would actually start talking to
me! And some of my acne is clearing up. Thanks, flooble!"
- Dwayne G., Trenton NJ
"I was very skeptical about 'Become Cooler...', but
it really works. At first I wasn't sure what was making me so cool,
your page, or my new Harley, but after about a week, there can be no
doubt about it! I have recommended this to all my friends, and they're
on their way to being cool as well!"
- Annabelle, Texas
"After an incident involving some members of the press, my son and a
balcony, I though my coolness was all gone. 'Become Cooler...'
has returned hope and meaning to my life.
- MJ.
Now that you're convinced, try it for yourself! After all, what have you got to lose?
To become cooler, please put in your name in the box below: (We understand that some
who use our service do not want to reveal their name to the world... If you are such a
person, we encourage you to use a fake name, or to leave the box blank.)
Then, simply press the button below, to become cooler.
(Warning: Please use with caution, and
do not press this button more than a few times a day, since repeat use can make you
addicted, not to mention, uncontrollably, exceedingly, unbelievably cool.)

The fine print: is not responsible for abuse of this page. Incidents
of becoming too damn cool for ones own good have been known, and can generally be treated
with a few hours of HTML programming, or solving Math puzzles.