What is this page?
This is the semi-official deragatory destination on the web. People generally get told to go here.
What does that mean?
If you found yourself on this page, chances are somebody just told you to Go Fuck Yourself in a
rude, but rarher elegant manner - by presenting you with a link.
How could this have happened to me?!
Here are some of the more common causes:
- Whoever told you to go here became bored of or tired with your stupid questions, requests or advice.
- You have offended someone with a callous remark; insulted their religious, political or musical
views or beliefs, or in some other way criticized something that they hold dear.
- Somebody is hinting at the fact that they will not pay back the money they have borrowed or
otherwise owe you
- You are being told that someone will not sleep with or otherwise become intimate with you.
- You're just not that interesting. That happens too.
There is of course, a small chance that you have arrived here accidentally, for example, via a link in
a search engine. But think about it... Maybe you should seriously consider altering your lifestyle if
even search engines are telling you to go fuck yourself?
What should I do now?
Here are some options (by no means an exhaustive list):
Remember: you are not the first person in the world to be told to go fuck themselves.
And you certainly won't be the last.
For instance, this page was created on January 13, 2004, and already
115926 people were told to go here...